5 Qs with Ali Luminescent!
Photo by: Kate UA
Mermaid Ali Luminescent brings some shimmer wherever she goes! Get to know the Sleepy Hollow Mermaid Festival’s resident mermaid, who will make an appearance during the post-parade party in the park.
1. When did you first learn you were a mermaid?
I first learned that I was a mermaid at a young age. Being in the water always felt more natural than being on land!
2. Where are some of your top places to swim?
I love swimming in the ocean with my mermaid friends! Rivers, waterfalls, lakes, and streams are also beautiful and important waterways to discover! Each has their own magical sparkling creatures!
The Indian Ocean by Indonesia is the most clear ocean water I have ever swam in. Its clarity is only rivaled by the northern waters of the Philippines.
3. Who are some of your mermaid friends?
One of my favorite mermaid friends is the exquisite Leafy Seadragon! It is a relative of the Seahorse but has leafy like arms that come off its body! It is so special to watch them swim!
4. What do mermaids wish humans knew about the Hudson River?
The Hudson River is a magical waterway that has its very own Seahorse and Oyster communities! It’s also our life line from this part of NY to the ocean!
5. Your tail changes colors a lot. How many types of tails do you have?
Just like snakes shed their skin and snails change their shells, Mermaids also switch it up! Not only do our tails continue to grow throughout our lifetime but like Octopi and Chameleons our tails can change colors with our environment!
Our forms are limitless!
Check out Ali Luminescent’s Instagram page here.